New House Captains for the four Houses were appointed on 2nd September. The eight students will help the Heads of House to organise and coordinate various House activities and competitions in Sports, Art, Music and academic debates, encouraging collaboration among students and staff to win House points and honour for their own Houses.

Alleyn House

Alleyn House Captains – Bruce S (Y12), Iris Z (Y10)

“Winning House points are one of the main goals we will focus on, while encouraging everyone to enjoy and participate actively in every House event is more important. We would try our best to make Alleyn the Best House of the Year.”

Shackleton House

Shackleton House Captains – Felicity C (Y11), Shariel Q (Y10)

“Last year, Shackleton House strongly presented its passion and advantage in a wide range of House activities and was eventually recognised the Best House of the Year. As the House Captains, we are not afraid of taking responsibilities to unite our team and strengthen our advantage to a next level. “

Soong House

Soong House Captains – Jason L (Y11), Joanne H (Y11)

“It is our honour to be able to lead Soong House with the support from everyone. It is one of our goals to further enhance the students’ school life, as well as offering more opportunities for them to present their talents in different fields. When we graduate from Dulwich Zhuhai, we hope that not only would we be proud of our excellent academic achievement, but also a well-rounded developed global citizen.”

Wing House

Wing House Captains – Caelan W (Y12), Daniel L (Y12)

“Taking on the new role as House Captains means a lot to us. We stepped out of our comfort zone of being the participants, but leaders. It is a good opportunity throughout our journey with Dulwich Zhuhai, to be able to challenge ourselves in new things, at the same time gain more experience and develop our skills for our further study and even career development. We believe we could learn from each other and enjoy this year of being the House Captains.”


At Dulwich Zhuhai, our holistic education is not only about delivering academic knowledge to students, but also about developing a child’s character, values and a wide range of soft skills. The House system is an integral part of our pastoral care structure. It builds a sense of community among students and staff with different background and interests. It also helps to develop students’ skills and abilities in leadership, teamwork and empathy.  

Congratulations to the new House Captains. We look forward to more impressive House events!