640 event poster design - Angelina L (Y12)

Art is about celebrating creativity and beauty, as well as celebrating freedom of thought and unique perspectives.

The DHZH Art Exhibition 2023 was successfully launched on 19th May and was open to the school community for three weeks. Over 90 pieces of selected artwork created by our IGCSE and A-Level art students were on show, including paintings, portfolio examples, sculptures, installations and animations.


Our Art students have been dedicated to the refinement of their skills and spent countless hours this year on the perfection of their individual works and portfolios as a whole. Please join us in celebrating their talents and success.  


Levering the solid foundation built in Y10, our art students learn how to respond to a theme or topic with creativity and in-depth interpretation in the second year of their IGCSE study, and create two portfolio projects. Every piece of artwork made since the first lesson of Year 11 is placed on the portfolio boards, demonstrating not only the students’ skills, but also their passion and dedication to art.

This year, the exam topic of IGCSE Art is ESCAPE.



Students are required to create two portfolios in the two-year A-Level art course, taking further steps to develop their skills in project conceptualization, advanced studio and creative thinking practices. All of those capabilities, experience and outcomes are essential for their university application to an art-related course.

This year, the A-Level exam topic is SIMPLE AND COMPLEX.


At Dulwich Zhuhai, art is embedded in our campus life, where all students are exposed to a wide breadth of opportunities in appreciating or doing arts, exploring their understanding of themselves, of the people and the community around them, and of the world. The Art House Competitions, art-focused CCAs, Chinese Cultural Festival, Founder’s Day, even the Science Fair, to name a few.

The Chinese paintings and calligraphy displayed at this year’s Art Exhibition demonstrated our students’ creativity, incorporating the Chinese aesthetic with Western brushwork.


Sincere gratitude to the dedication of the students and the Art Department in putting up the great exhibition for the community. Last but not least, a special thank you to Zavier L from Y10, for his excellent efforts in supporting the filming of all interviews.
